
EEG signal processing

EEG signal is recordings from the human brain. This signal is not much known yet, but we do understand parts of it. We’re trying to find specific patterns from EEG signals, which are the possible signs of diseases. Our subtopics are as follows:

  • Automatic detection of artifacts from EEGs
  • Automatic detection of epilepsy-related patterns

Paper Lists

  • Hodam Kim, Jihyeon Ha, Won-Du Chang, Wanjoo Park, Laehyun Kim, Chang-Hwan Im, “Detection of Craving for Gaming in Adolescents with Internet Gaming Disorder Using Multimodal Biosignals”, Sensors, 2018, 18(1), Jan 1, 2018 (IF: 2.677@2016, Top 10% in Instruments & Instrumentation).
  • Han-Jeong Hwang, Han Choi, Jeong-Youn Kim, Won-Du Chang, Do-Won Kim, Kiwoong Kim, Sungho Jo, Chang-Hwan Im, Toward more intuitive brain–computer interfacing: classification of binary covert intentions using functional near-infrared spectroscopy Journal of biomedical optics 21 (9), 091303-091303, 1 Sep, 2016.
  • Won-Du Chang, Hoseung Cha, Chany Lee, Hoon-Chul Kang, and Chang-Hwan Im, “Automatic identification of interictal epileptiform discharges in secondary generalized epilepsy,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2016, Article ID 8701973, 9 Jun, 2016 (IF: 0.937@2016).
  • Won-Du Chang, Jeong-Hwan Lim, Chang-Hwan Im, An Unsupervised Eye Blink Artifact Detection Method for Real-time Electroencephalogram Processing,” Physiological Measurement, 37 (3), 401-417, 19 Feb. 2016. (SCI/ IF: 2.058@2016)
  • Won-Du Chang, Ho-seung Cha, Kiwoong Kim, Chang-Hwan Im, “Detection of Eye Blink Artifacts from Single Prefrontal Channel Electroencephalogram,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (0169-2607), 124, 19-30, 1 Feb. 2016.(SCI/IF:2.503@2016/Top 20% in Computer Science, Theory & Methods)
  • Won-Du Chang, Chang-Hwan Im, “Enhanced Template Matching Using Dynamic Positional Warping for Identification of Specific Patterns in Electroencephalogram,” Journal of Applied Mathematics (SCI-E), vol. 2014, Article ID 528071, 7 pages, April 24, 2014. (IF: 0.72 when it was published. This journal has been dropped from SCI-E at Sep.2014)